My Journey
Hi! My name is Michael Kurtz. My journey with food and eating began when I was 22. I was raised on the standard American diet and never thought twice about what, when, or how I ate, let alone where it came from. After doing some reading and research, I dove down the rabbit hole that I am still journeying through today, and which ultimately led me to earn my Professional Integrative Nutrition Diploma at Rhodes Wellness College.
Learning about the link between nutrition and disease led to me deciding to eat more plants. Joining a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture), I began eating seasonally and locally for the first time, and I realized how much more flavorful the food was. Getting interested in where my food came from, I learned about the industrial farming system and the detrimental impacts it has had on the environment, culture, food quality, nutrition, and social justice. Motivated by a desire for change, I decided to become a farmer.
Before I entered the farming world I needed to pay off school loans, which led me to live internationally teaching English. Traveling to learn about other cultures and cuisines is one of my favorite things, and four years of living abroad expanded my horizons around cooking and eating.
I’ve been working as a small scale farmer for 5 years now, and I love the work. I love the connection to land, attunement to seasonality, and interaction with plant, animal, and microbial life. Eating food freshly picked that I have grown means I am eating the best possible food in the world. I want to share the joy of eating this way, yet I recognize the gap between where I started and where I am now. It’s been a long journey.
If you are interested in changing your relationship with food and eating…if you are tired of treating what you eat like a math problem, or a judge and jury…if you want to eat more seasonally, more locally, more nutrient dense, and more life-giving food…it is a journey. And I can walk with you and support you on this journey.
“The discovery of a new dish confers more happiness on humanity than the discovery of a new star.”
Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin